
Playtime quilt

I took some time to work on my playtime quilt -- this is what it looked like when I first posted about it...I have since added more blocks, and took away a few that I thought were too dark and boring...

A majority of these 9x9 blocks were originally a 20" block that I cut up.  Yesterday I decided to sew them into 18x18 blocks by sewing the 24 blocks together in sets of four.  Then, wanting to make it all BIGGER, I added some horizontal strips that I had pieced together.

That done, I wanted to make it WIDER and so I added a vertical strip with the same fabric as the horizontal strips, by making thicker cut strips this time...

This quilt top needs to be way bigger.  I'll decide how to do that my next go around.  I'm thinking it needs some more blocks, or some black and white wild borders, or maybe some red....or purple, or even orange.  Maybe I'll add some borders on the individual 6 blocks...that might be cool.  Yes, that might be just what I need to do. I'll have to see where my thoughts are when I get back to work on it, but it will grow!  It's way too soon to start sewing it together, no matter how much I want to piece it together already!

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