This is just a small bit of my thread on a rack I purchased not too long ago so it has no organization my bobbin keepers!

I frequent estate sales and love to buy thread....especially thread on wooden spools!

Can't beat 5 bucks for this pile of embroidery thread....(and see, there is MORE thread in the background!)

Love these metallic threads too ~

SMS wanted us to answer a few question as well, so here goes:
* How did you select colors for your personal thread collection? If I see a color that I like, I tend to purchase it on the spot.
* Do you always match the color perfectly to your project? If I am working on a garment, I always purchase matching thread, but for normal quilting projects I tend to use white or off white.
* Do you ever use contrasting thread? Yes I do, especially with totes and handbags.
* Do you use the same color in the bobbin as the upper thread? Yes.
* What if a fabric has big areas of very different colors? I usually use thread that matches the background, or if not possible to do that, I choose a neutral color.
* Do you have any tips or suggestions about choosing thread? Well, I do a lot of canvas work so have to use heavy duty thread for those projects; when working with outside materials, I use a heavy clear nylon thread - so, answer is just match the weight of the thread to your project fabric.
* Can you show us a picture(s) of your thread collection? It's a mess, but I added it anyways!
* Do you ever buy thread because you fall in love with the color (without a particular project in mind)? Certainly do! :)
* Do you “invest” in thread? Not quite sure what this means...
* What types of thread do you have? (elastic, quilting, all-purpose, wool, etc.) Quilting, all-purpose, metallics, nylon, heavy duty.
Peace, health & happiness,

Great collection! Reminds me of mine!! An addict too!
Love all that thread! It's as good as fabric in my book!
hahahaha! I am laughing at your comment to me! (your a no reply send me your email so I can chat!)
You to have the make it bigger syndrome!!
looks like you have a thread syndrome too! LOL!
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